Thursday, June 26, 2008

Project Redshirt is FREE!

One of you fine people emailed me the other day and asked if Project Redshirt is going to cost anything to acquire. The answer is a resounding NO.

First of all, I highly doubt that I would be able to legally charge people money for Project Redshirt once it is completed. Seeing as there will be plenty of inclusion of characters from the show, that would certainly violate intellectual and copyright property laws and I would get sued for mad money by ABC and the show creators.

Besides, why do I need to profit from this? I'm doing this for the love of the show. That and I'm looking to hone some of my creative skills through all of this. I'm just trying to create something that others will enjoy. Plus, I'm hoping to milk my semi-"celebrity" status in parts of the Lost-o-sphere to get a lot of exposure on this.

Does that make me a self-serving fink? I hope not. I mean, we all want some kind of recognition. I don't really plan on retaining any level of pseudo fame from what I've done while Lost is on the airwaves, but hey- if it get me noticed and opens doors to other avenues of prosperity after Lost, I'm all for it. If you begrudge me for that, sorry. I really am doing this first and foremost out of my love for the show and also to give Lost fans something to help them through the Hiatus.

Secondly, why would I want to charge for Project Redshirt? It's being created for my fellow fans. I want it available to everybody, not just people with pocket change! Distribution of Project Redshirt is something I really haven't thought out too well right now and probably line up a few contingencies just in case. This site/page will certainly not be enough to support Project Redshirt, so I guess I better get moving on that end of things.

More information is on its way! Once I'm good and married and back from the honeymoon, I'll be able to start filling you in on some of the details and what you can expect.

1 comment:

Apopheniac79 said...

Congrats on the up coming nuptials!