Sunday, June 22, 2008

So, Why All the Secrecy?

A friend emailed me the other day and asked me why I was being so secretive about Project Redshirt.

The short answer is I'm greedy and don't want anybody to steal my idea.

The long answer is, well, longer.

I've been told by several teachers and professors over the years that I am really quite good at writing. Many of my family and friends know about my flair with the written word and would say that I'm good at it.

My chief problem with writing is that it is very hard for me to get the story out of my very vivid imagination and on to paper/word processor/what have you. While I have a knack for writing things that have been assigned and are under deadline, coming up with something for my own purposes is surprisingly difficult.

So Project Redshirt is a challenge for me. I want to complete it, but starting is always the hardest part. This is why I have asked you (however many of you there actually are that read this) to try and keep me on task.

The other factor is as already stated above. Since I am prone to procrastination on these sort of pet projects, I am hesitant to proclaim what my idea is in full. Not that I am overly concerned with someone stealing my idea and taking credit for it, but, as a writer, I do worry to a certain degree about plagiarism. In case it takes me longer to get the gears turning, I will be vague, cryptic and hush-hush about Project Redshirt for at least another month or two.

Eventually, I will reveal what the overall plan is, but I want to make sure that I am well under way with producing it before that time. Someone may already be working on something like Project Redshirt. Heck, it may already exist in some fashion or another. I'm not too sure. I'm just being overly cautious and I hope that you aren't turned off by that caution as we plod along slowly here.

In fact, I just gave you your first clue about Project Redshirt- at least the first phase of it involves writing. Whether that "writing" is in a "language" we all are familiar with remains to be seen.

I'll leave you with that for now. :-)


Apopheniac79 said...

"In case it takes me longer to get the gears turning, I will be vague, cryptic and hush-hush about Project Redshirt for at least another month or two... at least the first phase of it involves writing. Whether that "writing" is in a "language" we all are familiar with remains to be seen."

Cryptic, indeed!

Well you have a couple of extra eyeballs here. I'll be watching this spot (I'm subscribed to your rss feed) and I've got a goad-stick or two lying around so, (as Colbert would say) 'You're On Notice!' :P

btw-any hint or direction to the 'language'? I wanna get my gears turning. ;)

G said...

Well, it could be a written language, a spoken language or a digital language.

But I'm not telling! (yet) :-)

FltRisk said...

...Huummm intrigued...*fingers steepled, eyebrow raised*...proceed