Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Puzzle #8, Day 2

Sorry for the delay! I've been getting oh so caught up in STV Mafia games. Good stuff there. Ended badly for me though :-\

Today I wasn't able to make any polls, so you'll just have to leave your requests in the comments section. You got one letter wrong, so I'll post a head picture as soon as I can track it down. At least that's what was winning the last time I checked.

Here's the puzzle so far:

Today you get a completely different set of letters to choose from! You can pick as many as you want, so let me know which of the following get your vote:

B, C, G, I, M, U, W


lost2010 said...

Where's the puzzle?

G said...

What do you mean? It's there.


lost2010 said...

I was just getting a blank box. . .must have been my computer. I see it now.

lostforever said...

Sorry you are out so early in the game. If it wasn't for your post on Project Redshirt I never would have joined....
I'd like to see letters G, I and W.

Maqrkk said...

I like 'I' and 'M' please G-Man :D
Can't wait to find the answer to this clue!

LostDiva said...

C and M

Sandiwich11 said...

Hi G-Man, sorry to see you go. Id like a G and an M please.

phoenixrock said...

C and I

Anonymous said...

I'd like a G and and I

Sandiwich11 said...

GWL!! Glad to see ur on board with PR girl!! :D