Friday, September 19, 2008

Puzzle #7- SOLVED (and a PR Clue Wrap-up)

Sorry for leaving you hanging for a whole day! I got busy and couldn't get to the site to update.

Sandi guessed correctly! This week's clue is "personality development."

So what does that mean? Well, I'm not going to elaborate on the clue for a change! Instead, we're going to review all 7 clues you have received up to now. Next week's clue will be the final one. After the last puzzle is solved, I will announce just what the heck Project Redshirt is.

So let's review...

Clue #1: You will need a computer to access Project Redshirt
Clue #2: Project Redshirt is only a cryptonym
Clue #3: Non-canonical, evolutionary continuity conformism
Clue #4: Downloadable
Clue #5: Multiple stages or phases
Clue #6: Project Redshirt will need beta testers
Clue #7: Personality development

One week to go! Thanks for sticking with me through all this teasing and hype. I truly hope that the revelation of what Project Redshirt is will excite and energize you to support my efforts even further. It's coming along nicely folks. There's no turning back now...

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