Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Puzzle #7, Day 3

The letter O won out and there are two of them in the puzzle.

Some potential bad news though- I've decided to put the future of Project Redshirt in the hands of SpoilerTV Forum users. Either 11 more people sign up for the upcoming Mafia III forum game or there will be no Project Redshirt. A bold move, I know, but I want to get Mafia III on the road, so encourage your friends on the forum to sign up!

Anywho, here's the daily PR fix:


Sandiwich11 said...

Going for a stab in the dark here - Personality Development?

lostforever said...

What is the Mafia III contest? I went to Spoiler TV and couldn't find it.

lost2010 said...

Yes, what is Mafia III? Could we get a link?

G said...

Here's the link.

You have to be a SpoilerTV member to play.

lostforever said...

g-man - could you give me some more details? What is involved and such? I'm not very tech savy but could devote a small amount of time to the game each day. I am a registered memer of SpoilerTV.

G said...

Basically, it's a sort of murder mystery game. There's a group of Mafia and they get to kill someone in the game each day. Those who are not in the Mafia just try to figure out who the Mafia are and kick them out of town. Each day the townfolk have to kick someone out of town so they have to vote. If they get it wrong, then the Mafia has a better chance of winning.

It's easier to play live than online, but it's neat. It's just a game of survival that will take a little bit of time each day (depending on how engrossed you are with it all). The discussions can get really long though.

I'm not really serious about nixing Project Redshirt. I've already put a lot of work into it and I'm not about to stop. I just want Mafia III to get started because I'm playing this time around. :-P

PenguinJosh said...

Aww! *feels priveleged on here*

Sign up guys, Im hosting :D It will be awesome, plus the great G is playing!


Maqrkk said...

Ahh G-Man how sweet of you :D
I hope we can get Mafia III rolling soon :)