Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Puzzle 4, Day 3

Well, I've got more bad news for you guys. There was yet another tie for yesterday's letter. The coin toss gave you T, but there were no T's in the puzzle. This gives you another body part on the hangman. Maybe picking a vowel will work out better for you today.

Here's the puzzle so far:


lost2010 said...

Glad your surgery went well! You're the same G-man from the character cup, right? That's looking great too btw.

lost2010 said...


G said...

yes, I'm the same G-Man, but no, your guess isn't right.


lost2010 said...

I didn't really think it was right, but most of the 13 letter words I found have either and R or a T in them.

lost2010 said...

Guess it would help if I could count - 12 letters there aren't there. . .:)