Once again, our good friend Lost2010 came up with the solution to our puzzle! In case you still want a crack at it, here is the puzzle with yesterdays winning letters (I and R) filled in:
You all have yet to select a bad letter. Congratulations!
For the solution to our puzzle, click below.
In case you don't have a thesaurus handy, a cryptonym is a fancy way of saying "code name". So, "Project Redshirt" is not going to be the title of the project once it's completed and open to the public. So now the question you're left to ponder is whether or not the code name "Project Redshirt" means anything or not.
Next week's puzzle will not include the words 'Project' or 'Redshirt'. Next week's puzzle will be a phrase that will describe part of the nature of the project.
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