Monday, December 22, 2008

Meet The Structural Development Team!

I can't believe a month has gone by already without a post. Where does the time go?

This is just a very quick post. I wanted to introduce to you guys the 5 people helping me out with Project Redshirt. They are what I call my Structural Development Team. They will help me in a number of ways. I'll be bouncing content ideas off of them, getting input on them from what elements and characters to include in the game, and they'll also get to act as proofreaders of sorts, getting the very first look at the gamebook itself to help refine the flow of it all.

So, without further ado, here are my helpers:


I'll try to keep the posts a little more regular from here on out, but the upcoming holidays might muck things up a bit for me.

Until next time,

-G :-)

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