Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Redshirt Update

Alrighty then. I don't really know what to do with these updates as of right now. After weeks of the hangman puzzles, I'm sort of at a loss for words.

Tonight I watched three more episodes of Season 1. All I have left are the three hours of Exodus Parts 1 & 2. Then I will begin the bulk of my work on Redshirt. I can tell you right now that most of the early work will focus on finding the various points in the story where Redshirt can branch off. I already have 10 pages of my notebook filled out with notes (front and back), so I have a pretty solid start.

So for now, I'll pose a question to you all. Since the "big reveal" a number of you have said that a gamebook was something that you hadn't even remotely expected Redshirt to be.

I'm glad you're all fairly excited about Redshirt, but I have to wonder, what did you think I was coming up with all this time?


gottawatchlost said...

I had no preconceived ideas of what this would be. I've never played a gamebook so I'm excited to do this one with a topic I'm familiar with.

lost2010 said...

I assumed it was some sort of role-playing thing based on the clues. But mainly I was just looking for spoiler-free hangman. :)

Maqrkk said...

I didn't expect anything really, thought it could've been some sort of role-playing game.