With less than six months to go before the projected launch date of Project Redshirt, I look to you, the readers of this site to help spread the word.
While I understand that Project Redshirt is not some phenomenon sweeping the Lost-o-sphere, I'd appreciate it if some of you fine folk would mention it on any Lost forums that you frequent. I don't expect my little project to become a major hit among all Lost fans on the Internet, but I aim to please those who should come upon it. It is being created for the fans by a fan.
Probably most of you know me from my contributions to DarkUFO's site and may think of me as some kind of quasi-celebrity amongst the Internet Lost scene. Since I have this level of recognition and possibly even the respect of lots of Lost fans online, I am (as I have said before) trying to use my quasi-celebrity status (which I still tend to reject) to bring Project Redshirt to as many people as possible.
The way I see it, why wait until the final project is finished before spreading the word? I'm already confident in Project Redshirt and I hope that my confidence gives you assurance that I'm not going to screw this thing up and give you enough confidence in the project to help me out by creating a little buzz for it where you can.
So talk it up, if you like. I'm currently looking to make a few affiliations with some popular Lost sites to throw some official support my way, but I'm going to have to prove to them that Project Redshirt will deliver before they fully get behind me. I am, afterall, just another Lost fan with a crazy idea. Sometimes they work brilliantly, while other times they crash and burn. I respect the decisions of these sites to be wary of the project as it is still in its infancy.
That means I need you guys more than ever. All you have is my word that Project Redshirt won't suck. I hope that is enough for now. :-)